Improving and empowering state tax administration
Improving and empowering state tax administration

2012 Revenue Estimating Conference

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All presentations are in pdf format.

Monday, October 22, 2012
General Session

 Presiding: Romina Soria, Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue and Chair FTA Research Section      

Welcome to the State of Rhode Island
 Lincoln D. Chafee, Governor      

Welcome to the City of Providence
 Angel Taveras, Mayor      

Checking in on Financial Crises Recoveries
 Joshua Lehner, Oregon Office of Economic Analysis

Education, Demand, and Unemployment in Metropolitan America
 Jonathan Rothwell, Brookings Institute

Macro Economic Outlook
 Mark Zandi, Moodys Analytics
[no presentation]

Regional Economic Outlook
 James Diffley, IHS Global Insights


Luncheon (with speaker)
Crystal Ball Gazing for Taxpayers and Stockholders . . Same or Different
 Arun Raha, Eaton Corporation

Concurrent Sessions

Session: Sectorial Outlook

 Moderator: Romina Soria, Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue      

Automobile Outlook
 Kim Hill, Center for Automotive Research]

Housing/Construction Outlook
 Kenneth Simonson, Associated General Contractors of America

Session II: Innovative Data Analysis

 Moderator: Karen Schlain, New York City Dept. of Finance      

Who Pays Use Tax-Charateristics of Use Taxpayers
 David Gunter, Maine Revenue Bureau

The Distributional Effect of a Recession on Household Tax Burdens: The Case of the District of Columbia 2007 - 2009
 Betty Alleyne, Daniel Muhammad, Kelly Dinkins, Daren Conrad, DIstrict of Columbia

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Joint FTA/NTA Session: Issues and Perspectives in Tax Expenditures
moderator - Ranjana Madhusudhan


Tax Expenditure: Methodology and Measurement
 Karl Russo, Joint Committee on Taxation

 Eric Toder, Tax Policy Center

  Organized by Ranjana Madhusudhan, New Jersey Department of Treasury      

Concurrent Sessions

Session I: State Tax Expenditure Analysis

 Moderator: Rod Hoheisel, Minnesota Dept. of Revenue      

How States Fund Education Through the Tax Code
 Angela Gullickson, Iowa Dept. of Revenue

Tax Expenditure Budgets as a Tool for State Tax Reform
 Paul Wilson, Minnesota Dept. of Revenue

Tax Expenditures in Paradise
 Donald Rousslang [presented by Titin Sakata], Hawaii Department of Taxation
 [presentation]    [papers]

Session II: Modeling Tax Changes

 Moderator: Michael Kaufmann, Oklahoma Tax Commission      

Modeling Illinois Corporate Income Tax
 Natalie Davila, Illinois Dept. of Revenue

What if We Eliminate the Individual Income Tax?
 David Hoppenstedt, Louisiana Department of Revenue

Session: Intra-Fiscal Year Forecasting: Issues and Options

 Moderator: Ranjana Madhusudhan, New Jersey Dept. of Treasury      

Intra-Fiscal Year Forecasting Issues and Options: The Connecticut Experience
 Thomas Fiore, Connecticut Budget and Financial Management Division

Issues with Setting Intra-Fiscal Year Targets for the BIG3 Taxes: The New Jersey Experience
 Ranjana Madhusudhan and Roger Cohen, New Jersey Department of Treasury

Monthly Revenue Targets - - A Budgetary Tool or A Forecast Hangover?
 Randhir Jha, Indiana State Budget Agency

Tracking Revenues with Daily Targets in Massachusetts
 Allan Clayton-Mathews, Northeastern University



Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Wednesday Morning General Session

 Presiding: Romina Soria, Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue and Chair FTA Research Section      

Dodd-Frank and Financial Regulation
 Michael Masters, Better Markets, Inc.

Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability of State and Local Governments
 Bo Zhao, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Update on Research Roundtable Activities