Our Vision: To be the center of excellence for tax administration
Serving Tax Administrators across the 50 States, D.C., NYC, and Philadelphia
The Federation of Tax Administrators serves the principal state tax administrators of the 50 states, District of Columbia, New York City and Philadelphia through:
- Research and information exchange
- Training
- Intergovernmental and interstate coordination
We monitor and report on activities in Congress, the IRS and other federal agencies affecting state taxation. This includes insuring state interests are effectively represented before federal policy makers and agencies, as appropriate. Particular attention is paid to federal legislation that would improperly preempt state tax sovereignty and authority. Positions taken by us are approved by the membership at our annual meeting or by our 18-member board of trustees.
Our operations are directed and governed by our board of trustees comprising tax administrators representing all regions of the country, with the IRS commissioner holding an ex-officio board member role. Our administrative staff consists of 10 full-time positions headed by an executive director appointed by the board of trustees.

We look forward to working with you
to achieve our five-year strategic goals.
Our Mission
To provide members with the knowledge, tools, and relationships in support of tax administration which furthers voluntary compliance while preserving, protecting, and enhancing tax revenue.
Our Vision
To be the center of excellence for tax administration.

Research and Information Exchange
We serve as an information and expert resource for state administrators and others on state tax agency and system operations as well as issues affecting tax policy and administration. Our staff regularly monitor activities of state tax agencies and the federal government to serve as a clearinghouse on topics important to administrators.
We also conduct research projects in several areas including state tax policies and structures, compliance and enforcement programs, and federal and state court decisions. Significant effort is devoted to inquiries from tax administrators on special problems and issues.

Our four regional annual meetings bring together agency commissioners and their current and future leaders to cover an array of topics including agency management, leadership development, and regionally relevant topics in tax policy, compliance, and administration.
Participants focus what’s important in their regions and states through a rich variety of expert presentations, workshops and roundtable discussions covering current tax policy, and other issues important to state tax agency administration and operations.
Our Finances
We are financed primarily from member agency annual dues. Other revenue sources include publication sales to non-members, and conference and workshop proceeds. We are organized as a nonprofit corporation under Internal Revenue Code § 501(c)(3).

Intergovernmental and Interstate Coordination
FTA works with state tax agencies and the IRS to foster cooperative tax administration projects among states and the IRS. In recent years, most of these efforts have involved assisting states in applying emerging technologies to tax administration as well as to simplify the administration of current taxes on a multistate basis.
Activities in this area include:
- Promoting uniformity in the administration of motor fuel, tobacco, cannabis, and alcohol taxation.
- Leading national efforts to develop standard formats and procedures to facilitate the filing of state tax returns and remittances using electronic means.
- Coordinating the joint electronic filing of state and federal individual income tax returns.
- Working with states and taxpayers to assess the impact of new business processes on tax administration.
Our History
The Federation of Tax Administrators was organized in 1937 by representatives of the North American Gasoline Tax Conference (NAGTC), the National Association of Tax Administrators (NATA), and the National Tobacco Tax Association (NTTA). In 1984, the three associations consolidated into a single organization, the National Association of Tax Administrators composed of the NATA Motor Fuel Tax and NATA Tobacco Tax sections.
In June 1988, NATA merged with FTA, assuming the Federation of Tax Administrators as its name.