Improving and empowering state tax administration
Improving and empowering state tax administration

State Tax Agency Research Links

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State Tax Agency Research Links

StateDepartment NameResource LinkLinks to State Revenues
AlabamaDepartment of RevenueRevenue Reports
AlabamaDepartment of RevenueRevenue Reports (news release)Yes
AlaskaDepartment of RevenueRevenue Sources Book & Forecasts
ArizonaDepartment of RevenueResearch Publications
ArkansasFinance & AdministrationGeneral Revenue Reports (news release)Yes
CaliforniaState Board of EqualizationBOE Research
CaliforniaState Board of EqualizationBOE OPEN Data Portal
CaliforniaFranchise Tax BoardTax Statistics [FTB]
CaliforniaDepartment of FinanceEconomic & Financial Research (DOF)Yes
ConnecticutDepartment of Revenue ServicesStatistical ReportsYes
ConnecticutGeneral AssemblyState Tax Study Panel
ConnecticutDepartment of Revenue ServicesConnecticut Comptroller - State Revenue Impact Calculator
District of ColumbiaOffice of Tax and RevenueMonthly Cash ReportsYes
DelawareDivision of RevenueDepartment of Finance
FloridaDepartment of RevenueTax Collection StatisticsYes
FloridaDepartment of RevenueOfficial State Forecasts
FloridaEconomic & Demographic ResearchOffice of Economic & Demographic Research
FloridaEconomic & Demographic ResearchMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
GeorgiaGovernor's OfficeMonthly Cash (News Release)Yes
HawaiiDepartment of TaxationStatisticsYes
IdahoState Tax CommissionReports and StatisticsYes
IdahoState Tax CommissionPolicy Documents
IllinoisDepartment of RevenueTax Statistics
IllinoisDepartment of RevenueResearch Reports
IllinoisDepartment of RevenueMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
IllinoisCommission on ForecastingMonthly BriefingsYes
IndianaState Budget AgencyTax Collections StatisticsYes
IndianaDepartment of RevenueReports
IowaDepartment of RevenueResearch Library
IowaDepartment of RevenueTax Research & Statistics Section
IowaDepartment of ManagementMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
KansasDepartment of RevenueTax Policy and Statistical Reports
KansasLegislative Research DepartmentMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
KentuckyDepartment of RevenueOffice of State Budget Director
KentuckyDepartment of RevenuePublications
KentuckyBudget DirectorMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
LouisianaDepartment of RevenuePublications
MaineRevenue ServicesResearch Division Publications
MaineState ControllerMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
MarylandComptroller of MarylandRevenue ReportsYes
MassachusettsDepartment of RevenueState Budget Documents
MassachusettsDepartment of RevenueReports
MassachusettsDepartment of RevenueStatistical Reports
MassachusettsDepartment of RevenueRevenue ReportsYes
MichiganDepartment of TreasuryReports & Publications
MichiganBudget OfficeMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
MinnesotaDepartment of RevenueResearch Reports
MinnesotaDepartment of RevenueManagement and Budget (Forecasts)
MinnesotaDepartment of RevenueMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
MississippiDepartment of RevenueStatistics & Reports
MissouriDivision of Budget & PlanningRevenue ReportsYes
MontanaDepartment of RevenuePublications
MontanaDepartment of RevenueMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
NebraskaDepartment of RevenueStatistics
NebraskaDepartment of RevenueMonthly Revenues (news release)Yes
NevadaDepartment of TaxationStatistical Publications
New HampshireDepartment of RevenueStatistical Publications
New JerseyDepartment of TreasuryPublications
New JerseyDepartment of TreasuryMonthly Revenues (news release)Yes
New MexicoDepartment of RevenueTax Policy Section
New York CityDepartment of FinanceFinance Home Page
New YorkState Department of TaxationPolicy & Statistical Reports
New YorkState Department of TaxationDivision of Budget
New YorkState Department of TaxationMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
North CarolinaDepartment of RevenueReports & Statistics
North CarolinaState ControllerMonthly Financial ReportsYes
North DakotaDepartment of RevenuePublications and Reports
OhioOffice of State Tax CommissionerResearch Section
OhioBudget & ManagementMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
OklahomaTax CommissionReports and Publications
OklahomaTax CommissionDaily Taxes Collected Reports (view public reports)Yes
OklahomaBudget OfficeMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
OregonDepartment of TaxationResearch
OregonOffice of Economic AnalysisOffice of Economic Analysis
OregonOffice of Economic AnalysisOffice of Economic Analysis - Blog
PennsylvaniaDepartment of RevenueStatistics & Reports
PennsylvaniaDepartment of RevenueRevenue Reports (news release)Yes
Philadelphia, PADepartment of RevenueReports & Publications
Puerto RicoDepartment of RevenueStatistics & Revenue
Rhode IslandDepartment of RevenueReports
South CarolinaDepartment of RevenuePublications
South CarolinaDepartment of RevenueMonthly Revenue Reports - Revenue & Fiscal Affairs OfficeYes
South DakotaDepartment of Revenue and RegulationPublications
South DakotaDepartment of Revenue and RegulationBusiness Tax Publications
TennesseeDepartment of RevenueStatistics and CollectionsYes
TexasComptroller of Public AccountsFinances
TexasComptroller of Public AccountsMostly Revenue ReportsYes
UtahState Tax CommissionEconomic & Statistics Unit
VermontDepartment of TaxesResearch and Reports
VermontFinance & ManagementMonthly Revenue ReportYes
VirginiaDepartment of TaxationFacts and Figures Page
VirginiaDepartment of FinanceRevenue ReportsYes
WashingtonDepartment of RevenueStatistical Reports
WashingtonDepartment of RevenueEconomic & Revenue Forecast Council
WashingtonForecast CouncilMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
West VirginiaTax DepartmentResearch
West VirginiaBudget OfficeMonthly Revenue ReportsYes
WisconsinDepartment of RevenueReports
WisconsinDepartment of RevenueMonthly Revenue Reports (news release)Yes
WyomingDepartment of RevenuePublications