Improving and empowering state tax administration
Improving and empowering state tax administration

Make World Kindness Day a Month-Long Celebration of Good

Be Kind icon

Share a Message of Kindness!

World Kindness Day, observed annually on November 13, is dedicated to promoting awareness of global goodwill by encouraging people worldwide to perform acts of kindness.
Small Acts. Big Impact.
We encourage you to join all of us at FTA in extending World Kindness Day through November and to find opportunities each and every day to share small acts of kindness that make a big impact on the world around us!

The power of kindness should never be underestimated. The positive impact of one kind word can be contagious. A single kind act can ripple out to others and touch groups and whole communities carrying with it love, compassion, and generosity that can change the world!

FTA's culture of kindness is a commitment to treat everyone with respect, dignity, and kindness.
Join us!

To honor World Kindness Day and FTA's culture of kindness, we ask you to join us throughout the month of November in sending messages of kindness to:

Get started below!

It's Your Turn to Share Some Kindness!

Below is a selection of World Kindness Day digital postcards for you to download, write, and share your messages of kindness.
It’s a simple way to show colleagues and friends that we see them and the good work they do, but most importantly that we care about them.

Select a Card Below to Share a Message of Kindness!

Download any of the fillable PDF cards below you like, write your message, and attach to an email, share via social media, or even print a copy to give!

Be sure to tag FTA and include #taxadmin when sharing on LinkedIn!

Download the Full Set of Postcards

Thank you for all you do for the taxpayers and everyone you serve as tax administrators!